Est. March 2023
Geriatric Program
NSHN is proud to introduce our new Geriatric Team who will be completing comprehensive assessments, participating in care planning, and offering rehabilitation services to seniors (65+years) and other eligible patients. This multi-disciplinary team supports NSHNs Emergency Department, Acute Care Unit, and Complex Continuing Care which offers Restorative Care. The Team will also be providing education to staff, patients, and caregivers on the multiple factors that impact the ability of seniors to live life at their optimal level in whatever environment meets their individual needs and wishes.
Team Members:
Manager of Rehabilitation and Geriatric Team: Sulabh Singh, PT
Geriatric Emergency Management Nurse: Suzanne Lamour, BScN, RN
Geriatric Assessor: Chantalle Trivers, BScN, RN
Geriatric Assessor: Amii Barkhosue, RN
Social Worker: Jenna Murray, M.S.W., RSW
Kinesiologist: Lisa Straatsma, R.Kin, B. Sc., C Ped (C)
Dietitian: Christine Trivers, RD
Physiotherapy Assistant: Carli King
The Geriatric Team Office is located the the North Shore Health Network - Blind River Site: (705) 356-2265
Geriatric Program Intake Form
Referrals may be sent by a provider. Referrals are best initiated by primary care providers to ensure a collaborative approach to care. When the above is not possible, referrals can be initiated by patients themselves or family member, hospital, emergency department and walk-in clinics. Self-referrals may be sent by email, phone or in-person at Blind River Site. All referrals will be triaged by the intake team.
Fax: 705-356-2574 ATTN: Physiotherapy Dept
Phone: 705-356-2265 Ext 2480
Email: geriatric@nshn.care
NOTE: By completing this form you consent to have your information shared with the North Shore Health Network as part of your medical record. This information will be kept secure and be subject to the protections applied to all personal health information at NSHN.
The goal of the Geriatric Consultation Service is to provide individualized recommendations for older adults with acute medical, surgical and psycho-social needs with a focus on improving outcomes, restoring independence and supporting patients’ transition back to community. Also, to reduce the burden of disability of older adults by detecting and treating reversible conditions, providing optimal patient-centered care, and managing co-existing chronic conditions. The specialized geriatric team provides comprehensive assessment and treatment by various allied health professionals.
The team works in collaboration with patients, care partners, inpatient teams and community partners to manage geriatric syndromes and multiple co-existing chronic conditions and to support safe and effective care transitions. Every patient will have access to a Geriatric Assessor (GA), with Comprehensive Geriatric Assessments (CGA) to be completed as clinically required. CGAs will be completed by a GA and the geriatrician/care of the elderly physician (COE). The team initiates an appropriate treatment and follow-up plan developed as needed.
The Geriatric Team
Sulabh Singh
Physiotherapist & Manager of Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy
Chantalle Trivers
Geriatric Assessor, Registered Nurse
Jenna Murray
Registered Social Worker
Suzanne Lamour
Geriatric Emergency Management Nurse (GEM) - Registered Nurse
Lisa Straatsma
Registered Kinesiologist
Amii Barkhouse
Geriatric Assessor, Registered Nurse
Christine Trivers
Registered Dietitian
Carli King
Physiotherapy Assistant
Caregiver ID Program
Three dedicated members of the Geriatric Restorative Care Team identified challenges and obstacles that Caregivers can face while trying to care for their loved ones. In February 2024, we are implementing a new program called Caregiver ID. Becoming a recognized member of the health care team as an Essential Caregiver can help make a difference by linking the hospital and the community resources available, engaging and learning to effectively communicate with health team members through the education and the training provided. Essential Caregivers can not only improve the care of the patient but can help to reduce the risk of preventable harm.