How do you get a copy of your records?
If you have been an employee, affiliate, patient or client of the North Shore Health Network or are a resident in Golden Birches Terrace, you can make a request to access your information by submitting a written request to the NSHN Information Privacy Officer.
Access/Correction Request for Personal or General Information Form
Your request may be sent or faxed to:
North Shore Health Network
Privacy Officer
525 Causley Street
Blind River, Ontario P0R 1B0
Phone: (705) 356-2265Ext. 2620 Fax: (705) 356-2574
Does it cost anything to request your records?
If your request is to have health information sent to another physician or health care provider, there is no charge. If you are requesting to review your health records, personal information records or general records, there are administrative fees, and photocopy charges for those requests that are considered large volume requests.
What information should your request include?
A Request to Access Personal Health Information and a Request to Access/Correction Request for Personal or General Information forms may be printed and sent to the above address. Your written request must include the information listed below:
Full name
Date of birth
Personal Health Identification Number (PHIN) (when requesting personal health information)
Mailing address
Telephone number
Type of information you are requesting
Time period the information is from
Date of request
Your signature
For employees of NSHN, please include your employee identification number.
How do you request access to your health information while you are still a patient, client or resident at NSHN?
When you are a patient or client at the NSHN, you may ask your healthcare provider for the information that you want to know. If your request involves a large amount of information or is not available to the healthcare provider you will be required to contact the Information Privacy Officer.
Can you access all your health information and your personal information?
You have the right to access your personal health information and personal information and NSHN has an obligation to make it available to you, with limited exceptions. An exception may include protecting the identity of a third person. NSHN may choose not to give you access to part of or all your information and will provide you with a reason if access is refused.
Prior to viewing your information you may be asked to provide a proper form of identification to protect the privacy of this information.
How soon will you be able to review or receive copies of your information?
When the NSHN receives your request, your records will be reviewed and you will be contacted as soon as possible. If your request involves a large amount of information it may take longer to process, but we are obliged to respond within 30 days.
What if you want your records released to another individual?
If you would like your information provided to another health care provider who will be providing care to you, we can send this information to them at your request.
If you would like the information released to family, a lawyer, police or any other person who will not be providing care to you, we will require that you provide us with an original signed consent form. A NSHN consent form is available for you to use.
How do you obtain records on an individual who has deceased or who is not capable of providing consent?
To obtain records on a deceased or incapacitated individual, we require the written authorization of the executor/executrix for a deceased individual, or a person who can legally act on behalf of an incapacitated individual.
Inventory of Records:
General Records: