Caregiver ID Program
Est. February 2024
What is ‘Caregiver ID’?
Caregiver ID is a program that recognizes caregivers as
essential partners in care. This program, which was created by
the Ontario Caregiver Organization and adapted for roll out at
North Shore Health Network, identifies, prioritizes, and equips
caregivers with the tools they need to provide high quality
care for their loved ones in all care settings at NSHN.
What is a Caregiver?
Caregivers are integral to the patient journey. They are family or friends that provide critical, and often ongoing, support and care for people in need of support due to frailty, illness, degenerative disease, physical/cognitive/mental disability, or end of life circumstances. Caregiver presence can help with physical care, mental well-being, and social support for patients.
Do you identify as a Caregiver?
For some, being a Caregiver is not a title or label they would bestow upon themselves. Some cultures and/or individuals do not self-describe or identify themselves as caregivers. Rather, it is a familial expectation, complete with hierarchy, traditions and generations of caregiving.
This new program seeks to implement policies and practices in all care settings to identify, include and support Caregivers as essential partners on the care team.
Caregivers bring a wealth of unique expertise to the table, enriching our understanding as providers and contributing to the overall support of patient care.
This includes their valuable insights into patient needs, symptoms, and behaviors.
Family inclusion and collaborative care partnerships yield numerous benefits, such as:
Improved management of chronic and acute conditions.
positive patient experience and emotional well-being.
Enhanced quality of care and safety, with notable reductions in medical errors and falls.
Increased staff satisfaction and decreased hospital readmissions and emergency visits.
Essential Care Partner programs emerge as a crucial strategy in tackling current challenges within the healthcare system. Beyond immediate benefits, they lay the groundwork for a sustained acknowledgment of caregivers' essential role.
This aligns with our collective commitment to person-centered care, fostering stronger connections between staff, patients, residents, clients, and their families.
Contact us to enroll!
Do you or someone you know want to become an official Caregiver? Contact us today! Our dedicated Geriatric Team will assist you in education and enrollment.
Click the image to download a free version of our Healthcare Journey Binder. This customizable booklet was created to help you and your loved one stay up-to-date with current health information.
Support Caregivers
Caregivers are essential care partners and play a critical role in providing unpaid physical, emotional, and cognitive support to family members, partners, and friends in care settings.
The Essential Care Partner Support Hub, led by the Ontario Caregiver Organization, aims to achieve greater consistency in how family caregivers are identified, included and supported as essential care partners across care settings in Ontario, with an initial focus on hospitals and long-term care homes.
The Ontario Caregiver Helpline is here for you.
Call 1-833-416-2273 (CARE)
90Second Caregiver
Ontario Caregiver Organization:
Caregivers often say they are too busy to care for themselves. As a result, many will experience burn out, depression, isolation, and loneliness.
An easy first step to making your wellness a priority is registering for the free, weekly 90Second Caregiver health letter. The 90Second Caregiver is a free, short, evidence-based, health letter delivered each week to your inbox. The letter includes health information, tips, and advice related to the caregiving experience.
The information provided can help to improve your overall wellness, self-confidence and increase your ability to manage the stress that often comes with caregiving. The letter takes approximately 90 seconds to read and includes information about a relevant health topic, practical tips, and a self-assessment survey that is followed with personalized insights and suggestions that may be helpful to you.
The 90Second Caregiver was created by Dr. Patrick McGrath, a Canadian clinical psychologist who works with a team of health experts dedicated to providing succinct, accurate health information for caregivers. The 90Second Letter is free to subscribers and available in English and French.