Launch Day: GEM5000 Point-of-Care Testing
Today NSHN is celebrating the successful implementation of our GEM5000 point-of-care testing machines at all 3 sites - Blind River, Thessalon and Richards Landing - Matthews.
The GEM5000 is used to test bloodwork from the Emergency Department on site. Results are available in minutes! These results aid in the clinical decision making for patients without the time delay of transporting samples to another facility. This particular instrument tests electrolytes (i.e. sodium, potassium, etc.) and blood gases.
The GEM5000 follows the successful launch of another point-of-care testing device last year - the Alere Triage Meter - which tests for heart attacks and blood clots in the lungs.
A large team was involved in this accomplishment. Thank you to Laboratory Staff, Providers, IT, Nursing Staff, NSHN's Laboratory Director and the Clinical Quality, Education & Communication Administrative Lead for your support on this project.
Job well done!
Thessalon Site (left to right): Brooke Rutledge, Dr. Garniss, Nicole Senecal and Hilary Glawson
Richards Landing – Matthews Site (left to right): Bonnie Campbell, Dr. Beller, Dr. Crawford and Lauren Smith.
Blind River Site (left to right): Mark Donner, Sarah Munro, Melanie Gionette, Paul Verrall and Heather Lawrence, Kneeling is Dylan Alemany-POC coordinator-Charge Technologist