NSHN LTC Visiting Policy Updated

Blind River, ON – The Ministry of Long-Term Care has provided further guidelines for visitation in long-term care homes for both outdoor and indoor visiting:

Effective immediately, the following applies to outdoor visitation:

o   Visiting hours will be between 1:00 – 4:00 pm and 7:00 – 8:00 pm daily.

o   Up to two (2) visitors at a time per resident are allowed.

o   Visitors are responsible for bringing their own face coverings for outdoor visits.

o   Attestation of COVID-19 testing is not required for outdoor visits.

o   All visits must be scheduled in advance.   To schedule a visit please contact Long-Term Care at 705-356-2265 ext. 2350.

Effective Wednesday July 22, 2020, the following applies to indoor visitation:

o   Visiting hours will begin no sooner than 11:00 am and conclude by 8:00 pm. (Exceptions may be made for Essential Visitors and Essential Caregivers.)

o   Up to two (2) visitors at a time per resident are allowed.

o   Visitors will be supplied with a surgical / procedure mask by the LTC Home that must be worn at all times.

o   Indoor visitors are required to verbally attest to the LTC Home workers that they have tested negative for COVID-19 within the previous two weeks and not subsequently tested positive.

o   All visits must be scheduled in advance. (To schedule a visit please contact Long-Term Care at 705-356-2265 ext. 2350.)

In order for visitation to take place, the Home must not currently be in outbreak. All visitors should consider their personal health in determining whether visiting a long-term care home is appropriate.  Visitors must pass screening to visit. Visitors exhibiting signs of influenza-like illnesses (fever, cough, difficulty breathing, runny nose, or sneezing) will be asked to return home, and self-isolate. Visitors who have travelled outside of Canada are asked NOT to visit.

Where it is not possible or advisable for in-person visits, NSHN will continue to offer the Virtual Visiting Program.

To book a COVID-19 test, please contact the NSHN COVID-19 Assessment Centre at 705-356-2265 ext. 2661 (Blind River) or ext. 2662 (Thessalon).


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NSHN Revises Visiting Policy